How to create a buy button in Blogger? Buy Button in Blogger-Firstsitereview

How to create a buy button in Blogger? Buy Button in Blogger-Firstsitereview

 How to create a buy button in Blogger? Buy Button in Blogger-Firstsitereview

To create a buy button in  Blogger is very simple, you can create a buy button in blogger using some applications like Canvas, Photoshop, Picsartetc. By taking screenshots of the buy button on google and you can use it by uploading it and inserting links to it.

How to create a buy button in Blogger

How to create a buy button in Blogger

By using canvas you can create your custom buy Button, You can see in the above image which we have created.

By simply signing in canvas with Gmail create a design.  

If you don't know how to use this application for the buy button or you don't have any knowledge of editing. Don't worry I'm here to help you 


Take a Screenshot Select any one of them as you like you can see below image 

How to create a buy button in Blogger

Place this buy button below the product and 

Then insert your affiliate link to the buy button 

How to create a buy button in Blogger

you can create your own style of buy buttons 


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