Three best methods to get free traffic to Blogger site-Get free traffic to a blogger

Three best methods to get free traffic to Blogger site-Get free traffic to a blogger

Three best methods to get free traffic to Blogger site-Get free traffic to a blogger 

How to Get free traffic to Blogger site

 There are many methods of free traffic but these Three best methods to get free traffic to blogger sites rather than SEO is by using social media we can get free traffic to a blogger. Is it really hard to rank blogger sites on google with blogger? My answer is NO!!

Three Best Methods to get free traffic to a blogger site


Yes, Facebook by using we can get free traffic to the blogger site. But you don't do these mistakes which I have did in past. So, first, create a Facebook Page which is related to your niche/blogger site. Please give all the page information in detail like email, website, WhatsApp, etc. 

Write a brief description about your page which is related to your content by writing description people can get to know about the page and other information clearly. After completion of these steps post your articles don't copy and paste links on your page better try to create a post on Canvas and post it above you can paste your article links. Promote your page by sharing your Facebook page to your Newsfeeds, ask people to follow and visit. Join Facebook groups as much as possible can which are related to your content and share posts on those groups, before sharing to other groups please read the rules to post on their groups this can avoids you from blocking.

Follow the above steps to get free traffic to the blogger site, make sure to post at least one post daily to get free traffic to the blogger site. it takes some time to get followers and views to the blogger site but it really works. Believe me, I'm getting good traffic when I share my article on my Facebook page. So, try it.


Instagram works on clickbait so, when creating posts for Instagram do some research on other related posts which you can get some ideas. Before then first, create your Instagram profile more professionally. By give clear and brief details about your content and don't forget to add your blogger site link in the bio, because Instagram doesn't allow users to share links on the posts we can only add it in the bio so be careful. 

Try to post at least one post daily by using Canvas application you can get exact Instagram size so, it looks more better then regular posts and also it helps  to get free traffic to the blogger site, follow others who are really interested in your content. How to find them simple search on Instagram related to your content you will find some profiles chose which one is near to your content. Check the followers who are following they are our targeted audience try to follow them definitely refollow you for sure when your Instagram profile looks professional.

After getting few followers by following them it's time to create stories. Instagram story's work very effectively the only thing creativity matters here, try to create effective posts for example clickbait posts on stories. Instagram is also one of the best ways to get free traffic to blogger sites.

For Motivation ( any getting sales from Instagram )Please follow the above steps for better results to get free traffic to the blogger site.


I personally recommend Pinterest for US traffic its works really AWESOME. Pinterest is not Facebook and Instagram it's different, Pinterest is a search engine its works with SEO, Before creating Pinterest to get free traffic to the bogger site make sure your targeted audience. If your targeting Local (INDIA) then create with .in(.in means INDIA) otherwise create with .com(.com means World wide) 

Pinterest post size repulsions are different so better to try the Canvas application for creating posts. While setting your profile it's better to keep your location as your target. On Pinterest, we can share links to our posts when users click our post they will automatically redirect to your blogger site.

After filling up details on Pinterest first you have to create Boards ( Boards means category/block )The use of boards on Pinterest when you save your post to related boards. For Example, I'm working on a dental niche I create for White teeth one board and for fresh breath on board like that will save my posted pins related to my boards so, it's easy when people visit your profile they can find their topics easily.

Where ever you're creating your profile for the business you should write a clear and neat description. For Pinterest description do some SEO Research before writing add more keywords to show your post when people search on Pinterest.

A new feature Idea pin on here we can add videos and photos up to 20 images at a time its works effectively and Pinterest give impressions too. In this way, we can get free traffic to the blogger site.

Note: It all depends on how effective and creative your posts are there are three methods to get free traffic to the blogger sites.

For best creative post for Facebook , Instagram and Pinterest CANVAS is best try it is free application

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